
Artist Statement

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My love for drawing and painting started the moment I could hold a pencil, and I haven't been able to stop ever since. Painting always brings me back to a place of stillness, reflection, and meditation. My blank canvas allows me to capture the beauty and resilience of nature and of our collective being in this often chaotic world in which we live.

I want my paintings to evoke hope and emotion, and to make people stop, just for a moment, to reflect on the ordinary moments in life and to sit with them. Nothing is constant in life. Therefore, the ability to take in the moment, regardless of how mundane or routine they may seem, and to be fully aware that this moment will never be the same - that essence is what I hope to capture on canvas.

As I reflect on my work, there is a theme that unites everything, whether it be winter birches, fields of flowers, or light-soaked mountains.

I realize that I'm often trying to recreate that feeling of curiosity, wonder, and freedom from my childhood. A time where I was carefree, loved freely, and saw the world in a different way. I remember riding my bike while racing after my cousins, travelling through India, camping outdoors, and stuffing my face with s'mores with my Girl Scout troop. Life was much easier back then, and it was almost as though time went much slower. I often stop and take an extra moment to be still, to honor this childlike wonder that still resides within me.

I want my viewers to feel a sense of belonging - to each other, to this beautiful world, and to the people who inhabit it - when they see my paintings. I hope that my art allows them to slow down, breathe, and be present, even for just a moment.


Deepti's background in project management and consulting has given her the opportunity to work in healthcare and finance for the past decade. She received her B.A. from the University of Connecticut and her Master's in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University.

Art has always been a passion of hers, and she has spent years experimenting with different mediums ranging from acrylic, oil, pen & ink, chalk pastel, oil pastel to water colors. Deepti lives and works in Connecticut, and a majority of her pieces reflect the beautiful scenery of the state.


2023, Human Connection Juried Exhibition by Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut, Danbury, CT

2023, Edward Mitchell Bannister National Juried Exhibition, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI

2023, The Sun Shines Through Exhibition, Danbury Library, Danbury, CT

2023, Grant Awardee, City of Danbury Cultural Commission, Danbury, CT

2023, Members Juried 2023, West Hartford Art League, West Hartford, CT

2023, Mountains, Birches and Blossoms Exhibition, Duncaster Gallery, Bloomfield, CT

2021, National Open Juried Exhibition, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI

2021, Artist Members Exhibition, Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY